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Keshia Eyre + Simpel.

Keshia is a powerful yet graceful surfer with nearly two decades of experience. Born in Manchester and raised in Portugal, she grew up immersed in surf culture at her parents' surf lodge. She is known for her versatile style, influenced by raw ocean swell, and years of traveling and competing. Keshia's undying love for the ocean shines through her surfing, career choice, and the way she lives her life.


How old are you? 

Where did you grow up? 

I was born in Manchester; we moved to Portugal in 2003 so I grew up in Praia das Maças, Sintra & in Ericeira. My parents opened a surf lodge in Praia das Maças and we lived in Ericeira so we'd spend every day between both places.

Do you have a favourite wave, can you describe it? 

It's a right-hand point break that I grew up surfing. There's always a part along the point that works no matter the tide & it has multiple peaks on it so you can always sneak in some waves on a busier day!

If you could only have two boards, what would they be? 

I'd probably have a 5,6 epoxy as that would be fun for fatter smaller waves, but which can also work on clean head high waves. Then a 5,10 Pu, because a 5,8 is my standard size board but a 5,10 I'd be able to use on bigger heavier days and it would hold well. So, nothing weird or funky just my classic boards that I know that I can have fun in all conditions with - I'm sure I could then borrow friends / school boards if I wanted to mix it up a bit ;)

How do you make a living? 

I do private surf coaching where I mostly focus on 1 - 1 lessons, development, water knowledge i.e wave selection and reading, tweaking of posture, stance and breathing which all helps to elevate a person's surfing ability.  I really enjoying being able to help people in the sea, to give them the confidence to challenge themselves and to know the safest and best way to enjoy surfing.  It's nice being a female coach; it's not that common in surfing and I find that women / girls feel more at ease with a female coach. Maybe less pressured in a way, or they find the confidence to voice concerns and ask questions because they feel comfortable with me. I also do general surf lessons at Surfiberia (the surf lodge we grew up at and is now run by my brother Luis and his wife Elliss.) It's so nice to be able to do lessons and work with my older brother and have people join us from all over the world who are just as stoked to be in the water as we are.

Do you have any other hobbies? 

I really enjoy cooking and baking. Baking is my favourite of the 2 (I have a pretty big sweet tooth!) I actually wanted to open a bakery when I was younger because I used to love making cakes for family/friends and still do. I find it very relaxing, especially if it's a stormy day.

I also love watching the sunset and spending quality time with good friends. 

How long have you surfed? 

I started surfing when I was 9. I wasn't the biggest fan at the start to be honest (I hated the sand still do) - I preferred horse riding. I used to do horse riding contests so I was really into that, but when my older brother started surfing and my parents opened the lodge we'd be down at the beach and at contests all the time. I thought I may as well give it a go instead of just being on the beach watching, and then I did my first contest a few months after starting. I saw my older brother winning and I thought 'huh maybe I can do it too' and then it went from there!

How has surfing impacted your life? 

Surfing changed both mine and my whole family's life. I wouldn't be where I was today if I hadn't started surfing. We so close as we got to spend so much time together traveling the world, having all these amazing experiences, meeting people from all over whilst we competed. 

Surfing taught me a lot about life and about myself, it still does. It brings me so much joy and gives me a chance to escape and clear my mind if I need to. It's brought me friends, work, a lifestyle. Its taught me patience and persistence too, so i guess it's changed everything for me.

Being able to teach what I've learnt is amazing and I get to do what I love every day.

Who inspires you the most? 

My Mum and Dad for bringing us up the way they did. They gave us the chance to have this amazing life. They supported us the whole way through everything. 

So many people told them it was silly etc. but they did what they wanted to do and gave us the best life they could. They made a lot of sacrifices for us; I can never thank them enough. 

They ran a very hands-on business while raising 3 children and helped us all pursue our dreams. They'd coach us, film us, take us to all these places to train and compete. They'd travel to as many events as they could to support us and if they couldn't - they'd be watching the event no matter the time. They now both have their own businesses and It's amazing to see what they have already done and continue to do. They have given us a life I hope one day I can give my children. 

My brothers as well; we had such a different up bringing to most, a lot of people didn't understand it but we all did what we wanted to do and never gave up - even with the challenges we faced. They both inspire me daily.

Luis was an athlete, like me, and every day he inspired me to be a better surfer, he helped me so much in my career too. Surfing and training with him would push me - more than anything I wanted to surf like him so bad and I still do. He now runs the Lodge and has a woodworking business (kookswood). He has 2 children that I absolutely adore and he is raising them in such an amazing way. We still get to surf and do lessons together most days. I look up to him for so many reasons it's hard to name them all, but I always have and always will.

Klaus when we grew up would skate more than surf. He pushed himself in both, but he competed more in skate contests, and I loved watching him try these tricks over and over again till he got it. I won't lie I get annoyed when he paddles out for a surf after however long, does an air first try and lands it when I'm still working on it many years later ;). He has done amazing things within skating and navigated that side more on his own. I'm proud of him for all he's done. Recently he also started up his own business and has worked so hard on getting that going. He's always there for me and even though I'm older I look up to him too for so many reasons.


Any final Words of wisdom?  

Focus on what you want to achieve. Set your mind to it and blur out the background noise. Surround yourself with good people who support you. Like my parents showed me, it's ok to carve out your own path..! If you do what you love and what makes you happy, life if great!



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