When storing a wetsuit make sure it is completely dry, inside and out. Hang it the right-side out on a wide-shouldered hanger to avoid overstretching the shoulders, or on a horizontal hanger folded at the waist.

Store it in a cool dry area to ensure that it will be fresh for its next use. Avoid folding or rolling it, as over extended periods spent like this can crease the wetsuit!

Sit back with the Simpel Crew

Wetsuit care with Nikwax

Simpel Wetsuits x Nikwax: Elevating Wetsuit Care with a New Wetsuit CleanerAt Simpel Wetsuits, we understand that investing in high-quality gear is only half the story. The real key to...

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Live Simpel with Simon Shields

Simon moves through life with a deep connection to nature and a love for simplicity. Cornwall’s natural beauty has shaped his journey, with surfing becoming not just a passion, but...

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Simpel x Tom Bird x Ocean Conservation Trust

A Synergy for Seagrass Conservation Right from the beginning of our partnership with Ocean Conservation Trust we were eager to not just to donate to a charity for the feel-good...

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